Editorial Board


Kondrashin Viktor, Doctor of historical sciences, professor, head of the Russian history and methods of teaching history sub-department, Penza State University.

Karnishin Valery, Doctor of historical sciences, professor, head of the Russian history, state and law sub-department, Penza State University.

Executive secretary
Afanasyeva Yulia, Candidate of sociological sciences, head of scientific journals department, Penza State University.

Bruce W. Menning, PhD, professor, Center for Russian, East European & Eurasian Studies, University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS, USA.
Terayama Kyosuke, PhD, professor, Center for Northeast Asian Studies, Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan.
Wheatcroft Stephen, PhD, professor, School of historical and philosophical studies, The University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia.

Arsentiev Nikolai
, Doctor of historical sciences, professor, сorresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, head of the Institute of history and sociology, National Research Ogarev Mordovia State University.
Belousov Sergey
, Doctor of historical sciences, associate professor, head of the general history and social science sub-department, Penza State University.
Dubman Eduard, Doctor of historical sciences, professor, deputy head of the Russian history sub-department, Samara National Research University.
Kabytov Petr, Doctor of historical sciences, professor, head of the Russian history sub-department, Samara National Research University.

Mitrofanov Vladimir, Doctor of historical science, professor, professor of the general history and social science sub-department, Penza State University.

Nabiev Rinat, Doctor of historical sciences, professor, professor of the religious studies sub-department, Kazan Federal University.
Posadsky Anton, Doctor of historical sciences, associate professor, professor of the state history, law and international relations sub-department, Povolzhsky Institute of Management named after P.A. Stolypin. 
Rodnov Mikhail, Doctor of historical sciences, leading researcher of the department of history and history of culture Bashkortostan, institute of history, language and literature, Ufa Scientific Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
Smirnov Yuri, Doctor of historical sciences, professor, head of the of general history, international relations and documentation science sub-department , Samara National Research University.
Starikov Sergey, Doctor of historical sciences, professor, professor of the Russian history sub-department, Mari State University.
Sukhova Olga, Doctor of historical sciences, professor, dean of the historical and philological faculty, Penza State University.
Yagov Oleg
, Doctor of historical sciences, professor, professor of the Russian history and methods of teaching history sub-department, Penza State University.

Дата создания: 10.12.2013 14:20
Дата обновления: 30.08.2022 14:45